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It’s a matter of the heart

Why is it that the heart is desperately wicked? Why do we still have adulterous, contentious, jealous, hateful, selfish ambitions,

Marvel at The Lord’s thoughts towards us

Stand in awe today and see Gods magnificent thoughts that He has for for you and me… Psalm 139:17-18 How

Lord let my light reflect your love

Love, love and more love is what the good news (Gospel) is all about. Don’t let any one sway you

Lord my savior

Today is the most important day of your life because you are alive. Tomorrow is not promised! If you died

God’s creation

There is no record of a book (manuscript) that has ever recorded the creation of the world or our universe.

Lord let me live in your grace today

Live in victory today because of what Jesus gave us… John 1:16 And of His fullness we have all received,