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Lord let me live today in expectancy of your word

The Bible is the only religious book (for lack of better words) that dares to speak about the future. It

Lord I worship you with all my heart

To know someone intimately you must spend time with them. I know that I know God has my best interest

Lord thank you for your word

Please listen to this woman’s heart. It will blow you away and hopefully remind us the importance of in-laws. Ruth

Heavenly minded

Matthew 25:31-40 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He

The greatest gift of all time

Many of you can understand how difficult it was to accept the fact that Jesus is God. Personally, that fact

Peace I leave with you

You ever wonder why Jesus who never ruled a nation and never sat in a palace as a King, is

Jesus is the reason for the season

One of the greatest holidays on the entire planet earth is upon us,”Christmas.” Yes I know it has been secularized.