Monthly: February 2015

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Loving me

Good morning church and friends God is the same yesterday today and forever… Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same

Help me be a solution

Good afternoon church and friends The word of God gives us strong admonition concerning our actions towards one another. And

Protecting me!

Good morning church and friends It is a wonderful feeling to “know” that that our God protects us. And nothing

Lord teach me

Good morning church and friends Some of us are so eager to teach others and often forget that we need


Good morning church and friends Have you ever wondered why faith is so important and what it means? Remember the

Renew my strength

Good morning church and friends Isaiah 40:28-31 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord,

Forgive me!

Good morning church and friends What we often forget as Christians is that “we need to always be right before

Lord Jesus come

Good morning church and friends The bible book of Isaiah was written approximately seven hundred years prior to the birth


Good morning church and friends When you openly chose God as your Savior, you’ll have no problem worshiping Jesus publicly…

My Father

Good morning church and friends We all know that every child has an age of accountability, when the child begins