Yearly: 2014

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Lord may I run my race towards you.

It seems that most of us have been blessed by the greatest event of the year! Now we look ahead

Lord help me

According to statistics everybody in the state of California directly knows someone in prison, or knows another person that knows

Lord thank you

Good morning church and friends A proclamation… Matthew 28:5-6 But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not

Lord may l Be in powered to proclaim You

Good morning church and friends Jesus spoke these powerful prophetic words at the beginning of His ministry. They are words

Lord thank you for enriching me

Good morning church and friends God’s wondering working powerful word in action… Psalm 19:7-9 The law of the Lord is

Thank you Jesus for Your word

Good morning church and friends An amazing greeting, with an incredible reminder, and promises with a fringe benefit… 2 Peter

Lord help me over come my temptations

Good morning church and friends There is a reward for enduring temptation… James 1:12 Blessed is the man who endures

Lord thank you that you understand what I’m going through

Good morning church and friends What is it that you believe or confess? In whom do you trust? If it’s

Lord thank you for abundant life

Good morning church and friends We all know what a thief does. And if you have no idea, than here

Lord may I have courage to read Your word today

Good morning church and friends We are in an era when we as people have itchy ears in spiritual matters.