Monthly: September 2014

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This is the day, The Lord has made!

This is the day The Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it. How do we rejoice


We live in a world that strives to control their destiny, obtaining great wealth and along the way proclaiming there

Heavenly minded

Set your hearts and minds on God today even if you are going through it… 2 Timothy 4:18 Yes, and

Children are a blessing

What an amazing honor and privilege it is to be a parent! Children are a gift from God… Psalm 127:3-5

Lord help me

There are dynamics that take place when a person draws close to God. We begin to exhibit fruit that produces

Restoring power

It is amazing how God could be talking to a specific people and a specific event, yet it can bring

Wonder working power

A powerful reminder to those that believe in the finish work of the cross that once Jesus hung on… 1

Lord may my heart rejoice in you today

A future day is coming when you’ll never feel pain or anguish again… Revelation 21:3-4 And I heard a great

God’s compassion

How many of us have walked away from God after tragedy or disappointment? But in our ignorance we created and

My duty today

Wondering what your duty is today ? Wonder no more… Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole