Monthly: June 2014

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God of truth

When we trust someone, we open up to that person and pour out…. Psalm 31:1-5 In You, O Lord, I

Lord thank you! All that I have is Yours

Good morning church and friends Money, money and more money is what makes the world turn. The fact is that

Lord thank you for being merciful to our country

Good morning church and friends There are times when we find ourselves with no words to express our feelings over


Is there anything a christian should be doing all the time? Great question! Here is your answer… Ephesians 6:18 praying

Boldly to the throne of grace

It is often said repeatedly that God can not possibly understand what we’re going through. Remember Jesus is God. When

Put on the armor of God

Why would God give us protective spiritual armor? Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may

Heavenly minded

Matthew 25:31-40 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He

Lord thank you for your word

Please listen to this woman’s heart. It will blow you away and hopefully remind us the importance of in-laws. Ruth

Lord thank you for Your rich mercy and love

Good morning church and friends Did you know that even if you don’t know Jesus personally His mercy and great

Lord Jesus thank you for lighting up my life

Good morning church and friends If you walk in the light as Jesus is in light, everything around us is