Monthly: May 2014

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Thank you my Great Shepherd for giving me abundant life

I heard this psalm when I was little boy at a funeral and it left and indelible memory in my

Choices in life

We are faced daily with decisions and choices. I want to encourage you with what a wise king once said

Lord may I be thankful for my virtuous wife

Good morning church and friends Proverbs 31:10-12 Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.

Lord God please help me fulfill my role in my life

Good morning church and friends Man demands respect and woman yearn for true love. It is amazing how God pin

Lord may I have courage to read Your word today

Good morning church and friends We are in an era when we as people have itchy ears in spiritual matters.

Lord let me treat my children how you treat me

Good morning church and friends What an amazing honor and privilege it is to be a parent! Children are a

Lord help me stay focus on what last forever

Good morning church and friends When was the last time you were tempted with money, power and authority? This is

Lord give me the strength to be a living sacrifice today

Good morning church and friends I find it interesting how the bible often pleads with us to make things right…

Lord help me to be righteous in you

Good morning church and friends Do you want your prayers heard… 1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord

Lord may I look at woman the way you do

Good morning church and friends Remember Mother’ Day is everyday! There is no reason to forget how precious woman are