Monthly: March 2014

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Good afternoon church and friends. The definition of an ambassador is “the highest-ranking person who represents his or her own

Lord blessed be your name

Good morning church and friends There’s an amazing historical event that is penned in the bible. A wicked king used


Good morning church and friends It is an incredible privilege to be called a child of God! And with that


Good morning church and friends Here is faith in action… James 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith, and

Our words

Good morning church and friends A kind word from The Lord for your service of faithfulness… Romans 10:14-15 How then

Renewed Strength

Good morning church and friends If you’re tired, alone, weary and no strength to push forward. Here is the relief…

Honor God today

Good morning church and friends Are you wondering what you should do today to honor God. Here is a great

Our first love

There are days when we feel like God has let us down and we just can’t go on. You are

Lord help me to only hear your voice and direction

We often as humans try and usurp authority from God ignorantly. And it turns us into an authoritarian, an out

Walk in the Spirit today and not in the flesh

May we walk worthy of our calling today in the Spirit and not in the flesh… Galatians 5:22-24… the fruit