Monthly: December 2013

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Lord help me to have your heart of forgivingness

As the year closes up and we take time to think about our triumphs and defeats. I personally believe that

Live forever in His presence

Wow… It’s the last day of the year! And I want to face each day as if it’s my last.

Prince of peace

Here is the reason for the season… Quote for today… Matthew 7:7-12 “Ask, and it will be given to you;

Merry Christmas

Did you know that the bible gave us the exact city that Jesus was to be born several hundred years

Bow down to the King of kings

Christmas time. Did you know that this day was very significant to some of the ancient civilizations. Some worship the

Greatest gift of all

What exactly does Christmas mean . Awe… Good question! Of course, Christ means the messiah (savior), and mass means a

Rest in His promise

As I’ve journey through the Old Testament (Genesis – Malachi) many times. I am always reminded that God is good

My way home

If you’ve lost your way home and feeling discombobulated. Jesus is saying to you and Thomas… John 14:6-7… I am

Heavenly minded

Matthew 25:31-40 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He

The greatest gift of all time

Many of you can understand how difficult it was to accept the fact that Jesus is God. Personally, that fact